Eventhough we take utmost care to alert the users about stealing of GameZer accounts, more such incidents are being reported day by day. This reflects that some users are either not aware of such malpractices going on, or that they just do not care to follow some simple rules.
NEVER enter your account details on any link other than the login page of gamezer.com.
NEVER respond to any email/messages asking for your account details, even though they seem to come from a moderator.
NEVER allow your GameZer account to be used by other user even if its your closest friend or relative.
NEVER get lured away by fake offers about making you a Moderator/ Administrator.
Handle your GameZer Account with the same level of care and secrecy that you adopt for other confidential online accounts like your Personal Banking account.Beware of Phishing attacks: Phishing is a fraudulent attempt, usually made through email, phone calls, SMS etc seeking your personal and confidential information. DO NOT RESPOND to any such attempts.
Please follow the below guidelines always:-
- Access GameZer only by typing the URL in the address bar of your browser.
- Do not click on any links in any e-mail message to access GameZer.
- GameZer never sends e-mail / links asking you to update or verify the login details. NEVER RESPOND to such e-mails.
- Do not be lured if you receive any e-mail promising money or any other reward for providing your personal information.
Improve your internet security by installing:
1. Newer version of Operating System with latest security patches.
2. Latest version of Browsers (IE 7.0 and above, Mozilla Firefox 3.1 and above, Opera 9.5 and above, Safari 3.5 and
above, Google chrome, etc.)
3. Antivirus software that is frequently updated.
4. Scan your computer regularly with Antivirus to ensure that the system is Virus/Trojan free.
Always keep in mind that Prevention is better than Cure. Accounts once stolen, may not be restored always.thank you for understanding